
Teaching Assistant Training Trusted Site
4.78out of 5
287 reviews
What Can I Do With a Level 3 Certificate in Supporting Teaching and Learning in Schools?

What Can I Do With a Level 3 Certificate in Supporting Teaching and Learning in Schools?

Are you passionate about making a difference in the lives of young people? Do you…
Which Teaching Assistant Qualification Is Right For Me?

Which Teaching Assistant Qualification Is Right For Me?

Deciding to become a teaching assistant is a significant step towards a rewarding career in…
What Can a Level 2 Teaching Assistant (TA) Do?

What Can a Level 2 Teaching Assistant (TA) Do?

A Level 2 Teaching Assistant (TA) is an entry-level position in assisting teachers in a…
What is the TA Pay Scale in the UK?

What is the TA Pay Scale in the UK?

If you’re interested in becoming a TA in the UK, you’re probably curious as to…
What Qualifications Do I Need to Teach Adults?

What Qualifications Do I Need to Teach Adults?

Teaching adults can be a rewarding career path, but it’s not for everyone. If you…
Do Teaching Assistants Get Paid in The Holidays?

Do Teaching Assistants Get Paid in The Holidays?

Being a teaching assistant is incredibly rewarding. And, depending on your contract, it can be…
How Long Does it Take to Train to Be a Teaching Assistant?

How Long Does it Take to Train to Be a Teaching Assistant?

Do you have aspirations to become a teaching assistant but are worried about how long…
What Qualifications Do You Need to Be a Level 2 Teaching Assistant?

What Qualifications Do You Need to Be a Level 2 Teaching Assistant?

A level 2 teaching assistant is an entry-level position for assisting and supporting teachers in…
How Much Does a Level 2 Teaching Assistant Earn?

How Much Does a Level 2 Teaching Assistant Earn?

Becoming a Level 2 teaching assistant is the natural career move for many entry-level TAs.…
Which Kind of Teaching Role Best Suits You? (Interactive Quiz)

Which Kind of Teaching Role Best Suits You? (Interactive Quiz)

Are you a creative individual who loves being around young learners? Or do you value…
Is Being a Teaching Assistant a Good Job

Is Being a Teaching Assistant a Good Job

Are you thinking of becoming a teaching assistant? It’s a role that can be incredibly…
What is Supporting Teaching and Learning in Schools?

What is Supporting Teaching and Learning in Schools?

Supporting Teaching and Learning in Schools is a group of teaching assistant qualifications that equips…
Rated 4.8out of 5
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